Just like the B Corp community, one thing has always been important to us at Maren Jewelery: we want to make a difference. From the very beginning, it was very important to us that all our products are sustainable. For us, this not only means that nature does not suffer from beauty, but also that we do not harm anyone. In no way. Not in the gold mines, not in the diamond mines, not through unfair wages, not through cheating. We take social responsibility and believe in transparency. Honesty is the only way to win. Beliefs we share with the B Corporation community. And that's why we're incredibly happy to be the first German jewelry company to be part of the B Corp movement are! B stands for benefit. Because it's always about more than just increasing profits. We want to do good and were able to certify ourselves as a B Corp because we ecological, sustainable and responsible act.
Maren Jewellery is a B Corp
From the very beginning, it was very important to us that all our products are sustainable.
What is B Corp?
B Corp is a global initiative by B Lab, which believes that entrepreneurship comes with responsibilities. Just like Maren Jewellery. For the B Corporation movement, it is essential that the responsibility that comes with every business is taken seriously. That values are taken seriously. Values like sustainability, like social impact. Values that are synonymous with the brand name. Because they can be proven. In numbers. Transparency is also a key aspect that contributes to whether a company can be a B Corporation. Only when values can be read in numbers, when they are verifiable, can they be part of the non-profit B Corp Community, which also includes companies like Einhorn, The Guardian, and Patagonia. Also: Community is key. Together we can achieve anything. Especially in the alliance of different entrepreneurs with a common vision: a responsible future for the economy. B Corp was founded in 2006. There are now 3600 certified B Corporations from more than 65 countries. For those who want to read more, Haus von Eden, the magazine about Business & Sustainability, also writes about it in their article: B Corp - The future-oriented certificate for sustainable companies.
Stakeholder approach of the B Lab certification
Shareholder companies have one goal: maximizing profits at any cost. Ultimately, it is about companies making as much money as possible in order to increase the value of the company so that people who invest in the company collect a corresponding return. The B Corp certification approach is different. The B Lab initiative focuses on the stakeholders. In other words, everyone who is directly or indirectly affected by the activities of a company. These can be employees, suppliers, customers. All those who are interested in the long-term existence of the company. Their needs are the focus of B Corporations. Because: Livelihoods depend on every company and with that comes responsibilityg
B Impact Assessment
Here is the answer to the question: Who can become a B Corp company? Any company interested in becoming part of the B Corp community can use the free tool that has already been used by more than 70,000 companies worldwide to determine the impact of their business activities on stakeholders. This is measured based on 5 parameters: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. Those who score over 80 points in the assessment qualify for the next step towards being awarded the B Corporation Sustainability Certificate.
What are the benefits of certification?
And the future of a B Corp?
B Corp certification is not something we want to rest on. And neither can we. B Corp made sure of that. Because every three years there is a new B Corporation assessment that is even stricter, even more rigorous than the first one. So B Corp forces us to do what we set ourselves as a goal anyway: continue to grow, admit mistakes, be mindful of ourselves and our corporate culture, put nature and people in the foreground. Because beauty is always there where people feel good.
From this blog post
''The B Lab Germany team is very proud and happy to welcome Maren Jewelery as the first certified B Corp jewelery brand in the German community. It's impressive how Maren Jewelery is committed to producing everything in Germany - from jewelery to packaging.''
Janneke Wagner (part of the founding team of B Lab Germany)
Written By Moritz Hackl