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Frau mit Silberkette und Armband

Silver or gold jewelry: Which jewelry color suits me?


Have you ever wondered whether you should wear gold or silver jewelry? But is it really necessary to choose one metal color and one color type, or is it also possible to combine silver and gold jewelry like necklaces, rings, earrings, or bracelets together?

The beautiful thing is - there are no strict rules for wearing and combining the two metals; nowadays, the combination of gold tones and silver tones is no longer just a trend, but an established modern way of wearing jewelry.

The Jewelry Test: Am I a Gold or Silver Type?

Below we have summarized a few pointers for you that can help you figure out what type you are, in case you want to choose one of the two metal tones. However, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with your choice and stay true to yourself.

Skin type: warm or cool?

To determine your skin type, a look at the veins on the underside of your wrists can help. If the veins appear bluish, you are more likely a cooler silver type; if the veins appear more greenish to yellow, you are more likely a warm gold type. Pale skin often looks better with silver jewelry, while warm skin, such as your tanned skin in summer, often looks more beautiful with gold jewelry.

Another way to analyze your skin type is to look at your eye and hair color; people with dark, e.g., brown eyes and hair often look better in gold, while people with light, e.g., blue eyes and blonde hair often look better in silver.

But it is also important to pay attention to your style and gut feeling and only wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Modestil: Do my preferences match better with gold or silver?

Maybe you sometimes ask yourself, which of my outfits best combines with my jewelry pieces? Which of my outfits goes better with silver necklaces or earrings; which perhaps better with my gold bracelets and rings?

Especially slightly more extravagant looks often appear more modern with silver. Elegant, minimalist looks are beautifully accentuated by gold jewelry pieces.

Clothing in earthy and elegant tones harmonizes very well with gold jewelry. While looks in pastel colors or cool blue tones can be very well combined with silver.

However, it is important to note that these are just guidelines; it is essential to maintain or find your own style. Only then is it possible to create a completely unique look and make your style by combining your earrings or necklaces in new and different ways, rather than strictly adhering to style guidelines.

Color type: Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?

To determine your color type, the following factors of your personal color space are taken into account based on classical color theory: your skin undertone, your hair color, and your eye color.

First of all, it can be said that spring and autumn types have a green, yellow skin undertone, which is why warm gold tones often suit them better. Summer and winter types have a blue skin undertone and thus belong to the cool color types, for which silver tones often suit better. Also, feel free to read the section above to determine your skin type.

Often, however, it is difficult to assign oneself to a specific type. There are also nuances and mixtures of seasonal types, so it is often enough to be able to identify as a warm or cool type in order to better assess one's style.


The spring type is described in the seasonal theory as a type with warm peach-colored skin that tends to have freckles and a golden tan in the summer. 

The eyes are often bright, ranging from green to amber, and hair colors vary from blonde to copper blonde to medium brown shades.

Spring types are thus warm types, golden warm colors and therefore gold jewelry fit well here.


The summer type is associated with a rosy, delicate complexion with a bluish undertone. Often, they have cool eyes, such as ice blue, and their hair is frequently light, platinum blonde, or ash brown. In summer, they are prone to sunburn and freckles. 

Summer types are therefore rather cool skin types, well-covered colors such as shades of blue fit well here, which can be wonderfully combined with silver jewelry.


The autumn type, as a counterpart to the spring type, is said to have warm skin tones. However, this type often does not tan well in the sun, has rather pale skin, brown to red hair, and the eyes are olive green or brown, while the hair is often brown to almost black. 

Autumn types are therefore warm types, all beautiful dark autumn colors fit here, which looks particularly beautiful with gold jewelry.


The winter type, as a counterpart to the summer type, is described in seasonal color theory as having a light porcelain complexion combined with black or dark hair and cool piercing blue or brown eye colors.

Winter types are thus cold skin types; bright cold colors like white, black, or blue go well here in combination with silver jewelry.

The choice: Does gold or silver suit me better?

We hope that our little introduction to the possibilities of determining your skin type, fashion style, and color type has provided you with some new ideas and guidelines to better understand yourself and create your personal style. Because even though cooler skin and color types are said to look better in silver jewelry and warm types in gold jewelry, it is most important to find your own way here and to emphasize your personality in the possible combinations of the metal colors of your necklaces, bracelets, or earrings.

From this blog post


Can gold and silver jewelry be combined?

Combining gold and silver or even wearing both in a piece of jewelry is no longer a trend, but an established way of wearing jewelry. You don't have to choose just one metal color.

Especially bicolor jewelry like our Milkyway Necklace or Milkyway Bracelet in silver with a gold clasp are minimalist and subtle pieces that modernly complement your look.


As you can see, the initial question: "Silver or gold jewelry: Which jewelry color suits me?" cannot be answered so simply and clearly. Since every person is very individual, so are your color preferences.
We wish you a lot of joy in discovering and experimenting with your very own style.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Gold type, what is a Silver type?

People who identify as spring and autumn types, and thus as warm skin types, are often described as gold types, to whom gold jewelry suits better. People who classify themselves as summer and winter types, and thus as cool color types, are contrasted as cool color types and thus described as silver types, to whom silver jewelry often fits better.

Are there jewelry colors that match certain eye colors?

It can be said that people with dark, e.g. brown eyes and hair often look better in gold, while people with light, e.g. blue eyes and blonde hair often suit silver jewelry colors.

Are there pieces of jewelry that always match – regardless of the jewelry color?

Subtle and minimalist jewelry pieces like simple band rings or chains beautifully complement any outfit and always fit very well.

H Symbol für Autor Helge Maren Hauptmann

Written By Helge Maren

Helge Maren, the designer behind Maren Jewellery, combines her deep passion for jewelery with impressive expertise. Her texts reflect her dedication to the timeless, luxurious jewelry aesthetic and a forward-looking sustainable lifestyle that characterize Maren Jewelry.

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