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18 Karat Gold Ring mit Labor Diamant in Papier Box

Not all gold is the same - gold alloys in jewelry


How do the extreme price differences in gold jewelery come about, what are the differences in quality and how does all this relate to gold alloys?

One of the reasons why Maren Jewelery differs in price from other brands is the high percentage of pure gold. In order to assess whether the price is justified when buying a piece of jewelry, it is worth taking a look at the composition of the precious metals used, along with a number of other factors. Because gold is not just gold. Pure gold, also known as fine gold, is unsuitable for making jewellery. Why We would like to explain this to you in the following and show what differences there are in terms of gold content. So-called alloys, i.e. mixtures of different precious metals, are used in the manufacture of jewellery.atz.

Read here everything you need to know about gold alloys in general and which alloy of gold we use at Maren Jewellery.

Frau mit Gold Ketten und Gold Anhänger in 18 Karat Goldlegierung

Longevity and quality are important to us

What is a gold alloy?

Fine gold is very soft and therefore susceptible to damage. Therefore, it cannot be used for the production of durable jewelry. The material properties of the gold are therefore optimized by adding other precious metals such as silver, copper or palladium. This process of fusing gold with other metals is called alloying. To create an alloy, the individual metals are melted to form a homogeneous mass and harden again. The addition of the metals gives the gold more stability, so that it can be better processed into pieces of jewellery. Depending on the mixing ratio, different gold alloys are created, each with a different gold content. When choosing gold jewelry, you can then read the purity of the gold in the form of carats or percentages..

What different gold alloys are there?

Gold alloys vary from country to country. In Germany, the standard gold alloys are 333 gold, 585 gold and 750 gold. The proportion of gold is given in parts per thousand by weight. The smaller the number, the less gold is effectively contained in the alloy. With 750 gold, the piece of jewelry consists of 75% fine gold.

Perhaps you also know information in carats. This is an older, but still very common in the jewelry industry identification of the gold content, in which the weight percentage (also fineness) of gold is given in 1/24 parts. 8 carats then correspond to 333 gold, 14 carats correspond to 585 gold and 18 carats correspond to 750 gold..

Goldringe in 18 Karat Gelb und Weissgold an Hand
Verlobungsringe aus 18 Karat Gold
Halsausschnitt mit Golgketten und Goldanhängern in 18 Karat Goldlegerung
Gold Creolen Ohrringe

Hallmarking of gold alloys

The gold content of each piece of jewelery can usually be found out easily from the hallmark. This is a small embossing in a hidden place of the jewellery. This marking may only be missing or no longer recognizable in the case of older jewellery.

Eternity Ringe aus recyceltem Gold von Maren Jewellery
Gold Anhänger mit Buchstaben Gravur

Gold alloys by Maren Jewellery

When it comes to the gold alloy, at Maren Jewelery we have decided exclusively to use recycled 18k yellow gold and 18k white gold decided to create high-quality, long-lasting pieces of jewelry for you. This is for the following reasons:

Unique Color:

Both of the gold alloys we use are 75% pure recycled gold. The high proportion of gold in 18-carat gold gives our jewelery its warm, yellow-gold or bright, white-gold color. The difference in the colors is caused by the different mixing ratios. Our recycled yellow gold is composed of 75% pure gold, 15% silver and 10% copper. The recycled white gold consists of 75% pure gold, 4% silver, 7% copper and 14% palladium (a platinum metal).

Longevity & Quality:

Because sustainability is one of our core principles, we particularly care about the durability and quality of our jewelry. Unlike gold-plated jewelry, the color of our gold jewelry remains intact in the long term. Due to its purity, 18-carat gold is a very resistant material. Therefore, our jewelry accompanies you for a lifetime, and future generations can also enjoy the preciousness of the pieces. They neither tarnish nor is there significant material wear during jewelry care. You can also find tips for cleaning gold jewelry in our Journal: Cleaning gold jewelry: It's easy to succeed.

Pleasant skin feeling:

Due to the 18 carat gold used, our jewelery feels pleasantly soft on the skin. The high proportion of fine gold also makes it the ideal companion for people with sensitive skin, as contact allergies cannot occur.

From this blog post

Halbkarätiger Verlobungsring mit Labor Diamant aus 18 Karat Gelbgold

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 750 gold and 18k gold the same?

Both the specification 18 carat and the designation 750 gold indicate the total proportion of pure gold within a gold alloy, i.e. the fusion of different metals. The carat specification for gold is a unit of measurement for the proportion by weight that the pure gold occupies in the overall mixture of the alloy, also known as the fineness. The fineness is given in 1/24 parts. The largest possible weight percentage of pure gold within a gold alloy would be 24/24 weight percentages, i.e. 24 carats. However, the fineness of gold can also be stated in percent by weight. 18 carats then correspond to exactly 75% gold in the total mass of the alloy at the highest possible 24 carat fineness. The designation 750 gold, based on the 75% gold content, therefore describes the same purity of the alloy and can be used synonymously..

What is the quality of 18k gold?

The 18 carat specification for gold is a unit of measurement for the proportion by weight that gold occupies in the overall mixture of an alloy. The percentage by weight (also fineness) of gold is given in 1/24 parts. The highest purity of gold, i.e. the highest proportion of pure gold by weight within a gold alloy, is achieved at 24/24 parts by weight, i.e. 24 carats. However, since possible impurities can never be completely eliminated, even 24-carat gold only achieves a purity of 99.99%. However, 24 carat gold is not suitable for processing jewellery, as it is much too soft and bends easily. Therefore, 18 carat or also called 750 gold with 75% gold content is the highest quality gold alloy that is suitable for processing jewelry.

F Symbol für Autorin Franka

Written By Franka

Franka is a freelancer in the fields of marketing and communication and lives with her small family in Munich. She tries to consciously organize her everyday life in order to gradually integrate more sustainability into her life.

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