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Gespräch mit Helge Maren

Interview with Helge Maren

Design & Maker

How did you come up with the idea of founding Maren Jewellery?

I've been involved privately for so many yearsminimalism, vegan lifestyle and zero waste. At some point, my desire grew louder and louder, not only to live my convictions privately, but also to merge everything I had learned and what has become so important to me with my passion for jewelry design. I wish for sustainable luxury.

And that's exactly where I start with Maren Jewellery: I want high-quality, handmade andsustainable luxury jewelryoffer that is quietly designed and timeless and can accompany its wearer for a lifetime. I find it so important that you stand up for your beliefs and try to initiate changes where possible. Because everyone has what it takes to make our world a better place. That's exactly what I do with Maren Jewelery in my line of work: jewelery design.

What is special about jewelry for you?

I find the idea that jewelry has been around longer than clothing really fascinating. People seem to have a deep desire to decorate themselves and with Jewelry to express everything that is important to them, sacred and inseparable from them. We express the most personal things in the way we decorate ourselves. That's why I find jewelry to be a deeply intimate and meaningful, even mindful object. I also think it's really important to be aware of this: my jewelry becomes another person's emotional expression. And every piece of jewelry demands this mindfulness from me when I make it.

Jewelry as a mindful object

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I prefer to be inspired by nature. For example of flowers, which are a role model for me in clear, calm lines. But also of moods. For example, when the fog lies on the forest early in the morning or the glistening of a waterfall in the sunlight. I then try to imagine that I'm seeing these things for the first time and then I start to see the lines and patterns of nature that inspire me to create new pieces of jewelry. But vintage objects also radiate something inspiring. For example, an heirloom from my grandma was the origin of mineReMind series. In general, when designing, I am interested in how much I can leave out in order to give my jewelery a timeless calm without taking away the special that makes the respective piece of jewelery special.

Schmuckdesign für nachhaltige Weihnachtsgeschenke für Frauen auf Skizzenblock festgehalten

How did you get into jewelry design?

Even as a child I was fascinated by jewelry. How it gives its wearer that special something, without which the person might not be understood in depth, as was possible through the jewelry. When I was about 15 years old, I already knew: I willjewelry designer. Then I did an internship in a small goldsmith and was enchanted. I've wanted to do this all my life! The combination of craftsmanship and design made me feel at home straight away. I then studied jewelry and objects of everyday culture in Pforzheim, which helped me a lot, especially on an artistic level. Later, I continued to work on my understanding of design in various large jewelry companies for more than 10 years, until I realized that it was time for something new, something of my own..

From this blog post

M Symbol für Autor Moritz Hackl

Written By Moritz Hackl

Moritz is a copywriter, blogger and journalist and lives in Munich. He prefers to write about the beautiful things in life - such as sustainable jewellery.

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